Phoenix Mecano AG

At home on the world markets
The Phoenix Mecano AG company comprises technology companies which operate worldwide in the enclosure and industrial components sector, and it is a leader in many markets. With its focus on the professional and low-cost manufacture of niche products, the company ensures the problem-free functioning of processes and connections in the machinery and industrial electronics sectors. The products are used in the following fields, among others: mechanical and plant engineering, measurement and instrumentation applications, medical technology, aerospace technology, alternative energies, and the home, office and hospital care sectors.
Phoenix Mecano is based at two sites in Switzerland. The headquarters of the holding company and Phoenix Mecano Komponenten AG – which market all the products manufactured by the various Phoenix Mecano subsidiaries – are in Stein am Rhein. Phoenix Mecano Management has its headquarters at Lindenstrasse 23 in Kloten in the canton of Zürich, and it is here that operative management of the whole group takes place."
Enclosure Systems
Aluminium and plastic enclosures protect sensitive electronics, for example in the mechanical and plant engineering and measurement, control and instrumentation sectors. High-quality membrane keypads and touch/display solutions provide the reliable “man/machine” interface, even under extreme operating conditions.
DewertOkin Technology Group
The wide range of adjustment motors, electrical cylinders and lifting columns is used in industry in the workplace installation and the home and hospital care sectors.
Industrial Components
Industrial components products are used where electricity flows – no matter whether for high, medium or low voltage, AC or DC. Peripheral production systems up to entire production lines can be set up by using the profile mounting systems.
Vision · Mission · Values
As a global player in the components sector Phoenix Mecano develops detailed technical solutions with and for its customers, enabling them to convert ideas into marketable products. In our capacity as a specialised partner we meet our clientele‘s most stringent requirements with regard to technology, service and a customer-oriented approach, constantly assisting them by supplying anything from components to full systems which can help them enhance their potential for creating value added even further.
Our success hangs on that of our customers. Close cooperation, constant communication and intensive exchanges of well targeted ideas are our main precepts. We support our customers as best as we can, making full use of our employees‘ know-how. Phoenix Mecano is particularly committed to its shareholders. Since going public in 1988 on the Zurich stock exchange, the precursor of today‘s SIX, we have paid special attention to treating all our shareholders equally, implementing a clear dividend policy and pursuing a long-term refinancing and growth strategy. We communicate openly with all interested parties and engage in regular contacts with the media and analysts. Any other information requirements are met via the Internet.
Our decentralised, market- and customer-oriented structure places high demands on our employees. We encourage them to adopt an entrepreneurial attitude, give them room for manoeuvre based on clear, agreed objectives, and reward their creation of lasting value.
Reliability vis-à-vis all interested parties is a prerequisite for credibility. Every day we work on putting these maxims into practice, with the management setting an example by fulfilling a responsible leadership function.
Naturally, the same also applies to the Board of Directors. Phoenix Mecano has recognised the importance of good corporate governance. This is only reflected to a minor extent in the information included in the annual report at the bidding of the SIX. Good corporate governance constitutes the basis for self-esteem and for the company‘s reputation, both internally and externally. In the first instance, good corporate governance has to be practised.
Ever since going public, Phoenix Mecano has cultivated the philosophy of shareholder value, based on the original, far-sighted definition of the term. In this respect nothing has changed where compliance with these maxims is concerned.
Profitability and growth are key requirements for maintaining competitiveness and value added and for creating new jobs both at home and abroad. We are constantly seeking potential for growth and greater efficiency. Recognised potential is immediately exploited in a bid to retain and enhance our market position and competitive edge.
The sustainability factor is underpinned by dealing thoughtfully with our natural resources. Phoenix Mecano is all in favour of corporate responsibility and, by using appropriate technologies and procedures, endeavours to strike the best possible balance between justified environmental, human and economic requirements.